What happens when you re-think recycling? This brand study dives into how TerraCycle® could refresh messaging and drive toward a new, modern visual identity. Full brand guidelines created, logo, colors, typography, and brand-in-action. Work is in collaboration with colleague, Dixie Miller. Please note that these designs are concept-only.
Brand Guidelines. Logo Design. Visual Identity. Illustration. Animation. Photography Curation.
TerraCycle’s brand identity at the time of this study lacked a sense of cohesity that is required for a company of global scale. Initial research, cohesive messaging ideations, and logo sketches began to narrow our vision for the new identity.

A new, scalable brand logo was created for TerraCycle’s study, which would be able to be applied to external product packaging. Brand Guidelines fully fleshed out the new vision for the company’s look and feel.

Brand in-action examples show how the identity can be easily applied to social, digital, and print deliverables using a new illustration and photography style.